Auto Insurance The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other covered event. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident involving your vehicle. An auto insurance policy is a contract between you and an insurance company. You pay a premium, and in exchange, the insurance company promises to pay for specific car-related financial losses during the term of the policy. Work with us to determine the best coverage for you. Insurance for cars, trucks, boats and more! Insurance Consultants, Inc. can insure your Motorcycle, Classic Car, Motor Home & RV, Boat & Jet Ski, and ATV too! Contact us at 636-812-3500 for more information today! MISSOURI – How much auto insurance is right for you? Based in O’Fallon, MO, our team understands the auto insurance needs of our customers. Auto insurance requirements vary by state. In some states, to drive you must carry: Liability coverage – to pay for losses you cause others, or: No-fault coverage – to pay you and your passengers for medical and related expenses caused by injuries from a car accident, regardless of who is at fault, or Both liability and no-fault coverage. We write insurance in Missouri and would be happy to help you ensure you have the right coverage for where you live. Even in states where coverage isn’t required, drivers must, by law, be able to pay for losses they cause others. Having insurance is the simplest way for most people to comply. To finance a car, it is usually necessary to have insurance which covers damage to your vehicle. This includes: Collision Insurance Collision insurance coverage pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident. Standard collision coverage will pay for any repairs up to the fair market value of your car. Collision coverage usually also comes with an insurance deductible. It’s the amount of money you pay toward repairs before your collision insurance kicks in. The higher the deductible you’re willing to pay, the less the collision coverage will cost. Comprehensive Insurance...
Read MoreIdentity Theft Identity Theft is on the rise in St. Louis and St. Charles County! Your Identity Belongs to You. Protect It! A 2009 survey shows that identity theft is on the rise – and it’s more likely to start with a stolen wallet than an online phishing expedition. Researchers at Javelin Strategy & Research reported that the number of identity theft cases increased 22 percent to 9.9 million in 2008. Crimes of opportunity, such as stolen wallets, represented 43 percent of cases, compared to 33 percent in 2007, indicating an increase in the desperation of criminals. Women were 26 percent more likely to be victims of identity theft, reporting a higher incidence of lost or stolen information during purchases in stores. Only 11 percent of cases involved online access. The smartest way to protect yourself from identity theft is to prevent it from happening to you. However, if your identity is stolen, you’ll be able to lessen problems by acting quickly. Call your credit card companies immediately. Explain what happened, and ask where to send a copy of the police report. Call and report to the police. Make several copies of police report. Complete a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Theft Affidavit and FTC report (call 1-887-ID-THEFT to request the forms). Call your bank. They can place an alert on your Driver’s License number and Social Security Number, and freeze your account. Call fraud units of credit report agencies: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion.Fortunately, identity theft protection is available as an endorsement on most homeowners’ policies at a small cost. For example, Safeco offers Identity Theft Protection to homeowner policy holders. The coverage reimburses certain expenses associated with identity recovery. Customers can also get guidance on how to protect themselves from ID theft before it happens and may receive assistance with identity restoration. If you’re interested in learning more, call Tom or Brian at...
Read MoreInsurance to Value Do You Have Enough Coverage to Rebuild Your Home in St. Charles County? Imagine how devastating it would be to lose your home in a fire. Now imagine not being able to rebuild it completely because you didn’t have the correct amount of insurance. Selecting the proper amount of coverage is the single most important decision you can make with your Homeowners policy. Without it, you may not have enough coverage to rebuild after a total loss. This is called “insurance to value.” Below are some explanations and tips to help you make the right choices for your needs — and remember, if you need help, we’re just a phone call away! What is insurance to value? Insurance to value is the relationship between the amount of coverage selected (typically listed as “Coverage A” or “Dwelling Coverage” on your policy declarations page) and the amount required to rebuild your home. Insuring your home for anything less than 100% insurance to value could mean you wouldn’t have enough coverage to replace your home in the event of a total loss Why is the cost to rebuild different from the market value? A home’s market value reflects current economic conditions, taxes, school districts, the value of the land and location, and other factors unrelated to construction cost. The cost to rebuild your home is based only on the cost of materials and labor in your area. It is important that you insure your home based on its reconstruction cost, NOT its current market value Why is reconstruction more expensive than new construction? New-home builders typically build many homes at once, and solicit bids from various sub-contractors to receive the best pricing. Their business model is based on economies of scale. For example, they may purchase 20 bathtubs at once, securing a lower unit cost. These economies of scale don’t exist when building a single home. How can I make sure I have the correct amount of insurance? Work with your agent to provide detailed information at time of purchase to be sure that you receive a thorough and accurate quote. Ask us about additional coverage options that may be available. Review your...
Read MoreHome Inventory Why a Home Inventory Is Important in St. Charles County Let’s try a little exercise: Can you list everything you own from memory? Didn’t think so. The fact is most people own more things than they realize. It’s easy to remember the cars, the computer, the TV. But what about that holiday china in the garage? Or every pair of shoes? All of it is regarded as personal property for insurance purposes. And if your home is destroyed by fire or some other disaster, having a list of your possessions makes filing a claim easier — and helps you put your life back together. Why should I complete a home inventory? What’s the best way? Comparing the value of your belongings to the “contents” limit listed in your policy helps you make sure you have enough insurance to replace them if they are lost, stolen or destroyed as a result of a covered loss. The easiest way to take an inventory is to use a video camera, recording and describing items as you walk through your house. Or, you can use a regular camera and create a home inventory checklist. Here are a few tips for completing and storing your inventory: Add brand names and descriptions where you can, especially on large-ticket items. Serial numbers are helpful to note. Keep any receipts you have with the list to make the claims process easier. Store your video or photo inventory offsite so you won’t lose it if your house is damaged. Update your personal property records when you purchase new furnishings and valuables. Though the task may seem daunting, it’s important to try. An incomplete inventory is better than nothing at all. How much insurance do I need? We can assist you in analyzing your insurance needs and help you decide how to most effectively protect your personal property. You should consider full-value coverage, which will pay for the replacement value of your personal belongings. A standard policy typically covers personal property only up to its actual cash value, determined by taking the replacement cost and deducting depreciation, which can be substantial. (For example, a 5-year-old TV is usually worth much less...
Read MoreFirework Pet Safety Keep your pets safe during the Fourth of July Fireworks For most of us, the Fourth of July is a time to enjoy the pyrotechnics that mark the holiday. But for our pets, fireworks are another story. Many pets can be traumatized by the noisy rockets and firecrackers so many of us enjoy. At Insurance Consultants, Inc., we hope your holiday is happy and safe for you and your pets. So along with our other story about fireworks safety, here are some tips to help you protect your pets on the Fourth in St. Charles County, or elsewhere. Protecting your pets Many pets are very frightened by the loud noises caused by fireworks. If you can’t take them away from the noise, here are some pointers from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals that will help them have a more peaceful holiday. Don’t take your pet to a public fireworks display. In addition to the noise, they may be spooked by the crowds. If possible, leave your pet inside in a safe, secure room. Do not leave them outside, even if your yard is fenced. They may try to flee, and they may succeed; July 5 is a busy year at many animal shelters in St. Charles County, as dogs and cats are frequently found miles from their homes. Taking your pet on a walk early in the day can help tire them out. Give your pets a comfortable place to rest, as well as plenty of food and water. You might even leave a TV or stereo on to drown out the fireworks. Provide soothing music, if possible. A favorite toy (or their favorite owner!) can help comfort them, too. Make sure your pets have an ID tag or microchip, in case they get scared and escape. Check with your veterinarian before giving your pet any medication intended to calm them. They may be able to provide you with a prescription or suggest alternatives. And, of course, keep your pet away from used and unused fireworks. With some common sense and planning, the Fourth of July can be both safe and enjoyable for everyone...
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